The Four of Wands – Or, “Oh God, FINALLY.”


If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know that I’m currently moving.  It’s been a harrowing process.  Finding an apartment, not being able to move in for nearly a month (due to renovations), then having to go to IKEA to buy furniture, then putting all the furniture together, then getting all the boxes out, then buying stuff to put ON the furniture, then throwing all THOSE boxes out–moving is hell and other people.

But we’re done!  Almost. Almost, almost, almost done.  Our living room is still a graveyard of boxes.  I have so much chopping and taping to do to get them ready for recycling.  My room is a little barren for lack of wall art/things to put on my shelves.  I don’t have a laundry basket or a coat rack or hangars or…

Maybe I’m a little less than almost done.

Four of Wands

But when I AM done it’s going to be such a Four of Wands moment.

The Four of Wands is all about relaxing and celebrating after a long struggle.  It usually depicts people throwing a party of some kind.  Sometimes it depicts a festival, sometimes it depicts a wedding, sometimes it just depicts some people chillin’ out.  That’s my favorite (especially right now).

When I get the Four of Wands in a reading, I know it’s telling me to take a break.  That I’ve worked hard for this respite and that I need to take advantage of it.  Maybe I should throw a party!  Or go out!  Or treat myself to a crap ton of ice cream.  Or do yoga!

Wands is the suit of fire and passion, and fours are the number that relate to stability.  So consider this a stable moment in my passionate journey.  I’ve earned this much up to this point – I obviously need to enjoy it.


But the Four of Wands comes right before the Five of Wands – a card all about conflict.  After all, once my apartment is outfitted, I still need to pay for it every month.  I need to go to work, chase mah dreams, not get hit by the oncoming train.  Getting the apartment ready was only half the battle – now to live in it.

Obstacles await me.  We have not yet begun to fight.

But for now.

A crap ton. Of ice cream. And vodka.

Check out my Four of Wands Pinterest Gallery Here!


2 thoughts on “The Four of Wands – Or, “Oh God, FINALLY.”

    • Thanks Ellen!

      Yeah, we’re very excited, and things are coming together more and more each day. We’re also young and totally clueless, so things like “how do we mount this picture” are slowing things down a wee bit.

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